Final day at Derby so today was just a general maintenance day cleaning the knitting machines, replacing needles and just making sure that they are all in working order
Overall my time at Derby has been amazing and i have really enjoyed it!
It has made me sure that i would like to be a technician at a university helping to encourage people with knitting and share my knowledge with students as i really enjoy educating people in different techniques and then seeing that they do with that skill i have taught them and seeing what design that they can create with encouragement and the skills do make such beautiful pieces.
We also had Uppingham yarns come in and do a talk about different yarns and he also brought lots of very unusual yarn in with him and also had some for sale
It was great to be able to see some swatches of these different yarns knitted up and how they looked as a knitted piece
Below is a yarn called raving which i fell in love with
In the knitted swatch it was very light and airing which i didn't expect and i can defiantly see this being something i could use within my work
After he spoke about all this yarns i went and had a chat with him about whether he would be able to come to Norwich and do a talk and share he knowledge with students and he said he would so hopefully he will be coming in to Norwich soon. As i really felt that seeing the different yarns in person rather than just over the internet really give you an idea of how you can use them and also how the look and feel and how they could work within your work.
So on leaving Derby i feel i have learnt a lot not only about being a technician but also about myself and what i enjoy / want from life
I love being able to teach and encourage people with knit and see peoples reactions when they make something they didn't think was possible.
But also about me how i need to still learn a few things so i can help people to the best of my ability.
So yes i still want to be a technician!
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